Serological Studies of the Genus Xanthomonas

Three immunological divisions of the genus Xanthomo-nas, the X. vasculorum, X. phaseoli, and X. campestris groups, were studied in regard to intra- and inter-group relationships. The X. vasculorum group was found to be linked by a multitude of group factors. Isolation of species-specific factors in homologous immune serums was not obtained by a single . heterologous absorption. The members of the X. phaseoli group had common group components. Absorption of any of the individual antiserums by a heterologous organism of the group left specific factors and removed all group components. The 2 members of the X. campestris group, X. campestris and X. barbareae, were found to be identical by mirror absorption. A "campestris" factor was evident and in excess of "phaseoli" and "vasculorum" group components that characterize the X. campestris antigenic make-up. The relationship of serological specificity to host specificity is discussed. It is believed that the antigenic properties of an organism vary independently with the ability to infect given host species.