Implication of theBρρdata on theBππpuzzle

We point out that the Bρρ data have seriously constrained the possibility of resolving the Bππ puzzle from the large observed B0π0π0 branching ratio in the available theoretical approaches. The next-to-leading-order (NLO) contributions from the vertex corrections, the quark loops, and the magnetic penguin evaluated in the perturbative QCD (PQCD) approach have saturated the experimental upper bound of the B0ρ0ρ0 branching ratio and do not help. The NLO PQCD predictions for the B0ρρ± and B±ρ±ρ0 branching ratios are consistent with the data. The inclusion of the NLO jet function from the soft-collinear effective theory into the QCD-improved factorization approach, though enhancing the B0π0π0 branching ratio sufficiently, overshoots the bound of the B0ρ0ρ0 branching ratio and deteriorates the predictions for the B±π0K± and B0πK± direct CP asymmetries.