Theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis (invited)

A mathematical theory of hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials is presented based on existing ideas of domain wall motion and domain rotation. Hysteresis is shown to occur as a result of impedances to changes of magnetization such as when domain walls are pinned, while the mutual interactions of the magnetic moments are shown to be of secondary importance in this respect. An equation for the anhysteretic or ideal magnetization curve is derived based on a mean field approximation and this is shown to be dependent on the mutual interactions of the moments but independent of impedances such as pinning. The introduction of a term which measures the impedance to changes in magnetization leads to a simple differential equation of state for a ferromagnet which exhibits all the features of hysteresis. Some modifications of the simple model are necessary in order to bring the solution closer to the real situation. Results are presented which show all the features of hysteresis such as initial magnetization curve, major hysteresis loops, and minor hysteresis loops in excellent agreement with experimental results.