Parental potential, or breeding value, was evaluated for strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) genotypes selected for high, intermediate, or low phenotypic expression of soluble solids content (SSC) and titratable acid content (TA). Progeny means and genetic variance parameters were estimated using seedlings from 40 crosses among these selections, conducted in two factorial sets. Selection response for breeding value was detected for SSC in the upward direction and for TA in both upward and downward directions. Populations created by divergent selection of parents followed by intermating expressed additive genetic variances 2.3 and 9.3 times larger than those estimated for appropriate controls for SSC and TA, respectively. For TA, the response to selection for breeding value was consistent with results for genotypic selection reported earlier. The significant selection response in breeding value obtained for SSC differed from the results of previous clonal tests that had detected no significant genotypic selection response. These results, together with previous assessments, suggest that cumulative genetic gain can be obtained for both SSC and TA. However, gain for SSC will be contingent on selection under conditions that approximate commercial treatment; this will not be necessary for TA, as expression for this trait is stable across test location and cultural treatments.