Survival of the older patient compared with the younger patient with hodgkin's disease. Influence of histologic type, staging, and treatment

Age as an independent risk factor for survival of Hodgkin's disease (HD) was investigated using data for the 6345 patients in the American College of Surgeons, Patterns of Care Study. Patients were divided into those 15 to 34 years of age, and those older than 50 years. Older patients had higher rates of advanced stage and B symptoms (e.g., Stage IVB, 19.7% compared with 7.7%) and significantly higher rates of poor prognosis histologic types, odds ratio (OR) = 3.7. The older population with clinical stage (CS) I and II disease was also less likely to have received any of the selected staging procedures, bone marrow biopsy, lymphogram, or laparotomy (OR = 4.48). The two populations were equivalently understaged when CS was compared with pathologic stage (PS). In each category the older patients were more likely to have received no therapy; for PS I and II disease the OR for older patients compared with the younger patient was 2.14. When stratified by PS, B symptom status, histologic type, and treatment the older patients continued to show poorer 5-year survival by the life-table method. The authors' hypothesis–that older patients equivalently staged and treated would have no significant difference in long-term survival–was not substantiated by the data. However, in the analyses in which corrections for the known risk factors were made, the difference in survival was not as great as that in the crude, unstratified data. This study, as well as other recent studies utilizing smaller numbers of patients, finds age an independent predictor of poorer survival in HD patients.