Familial Occurrence of Chronic Tension-Type Headache

Chronic tension-type headache (CTTH) assessed by proband report was evaluated in a family study of CTTH. A clinical interview of first-degree relatives by a physician was used as index of validity. Familial occurrence of CTTH in first-degree relatives was also investigated. Patterns of familial aggregation of CTTH were assessed by calculating the population relative risk. A neurological resident carried out all the interviews of probands and their first-degree relatives. The operational diagnostic criteria of the International Headache Society were used. The 122 probands had 377 first-degree relatives. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and chance-corrected agreement rate for the diagnosis CTTH were 68%, 86%, 53% (PVpos), 92% (PVneg), and 0.48, respectively. The low sensitivity of CTTH assessed by proband report indicates that a clinical interview by a physician is necessary in family studies of CTTH. Clinically interviewed parents, siblings, and children had a 2.1 to 3.9-fold significantly increased risk of CTTH compared with the general population. The gender of the probands did not influence the risk of CTTH among first-degree relatives. The significantly increased familial risk of CTTH and no increased risk of CTTH in spouses suggest that a genetic factor is involved in CTTH.