Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection Rate in Personnel Caring for Children With RSV Infections

• Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections in hospitalized children were identified by indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Patients with RSV infections were assigned to one of two isolation categories. In one category, the health care workers entering the child's room did not wear masks and goggles; in the other category, the workers did wear masks and goggles. The RSV Illness rate in health care workers using masks and goggles was 5%, but the rate for those not using masks and goggles was 61%. In the no mask/goggles group, the RSV illness rates in the health care workers correlated directly with the number of exposures. In this modest study, the use of masks and goggles was associated with a significant reduction of RSV illnesses in pediatric health care workers. (AJDC 1987;141:695-697)