A Procedure for Simultaneous Screening and Quantification of Basic Drugs in Liver, Utilizing Capillary Gas Chromatography and Nitrogen Sensitive Detection
This paper describes a method used for the comprehensive screening of 80 and quantification of 49 basic drugs or drug metabolites in liver specimens taken from medical examiner's cases. A simple, versatile liquid/liquid extraction procedure was employed, and the analysis was carded out by glass capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen specific detection. In this procedure, a 15 m AR-glasa capiliary leached with HCI, deactivated with cyclic siloxane and coated with SE-52 was utilized. Data on precisions from the quantitative analyses carried out within-day or day-to-day yielded standard deviations on the order of 2–5% and 5–25% of the mean values, respectively, when performed at concentration levels of 10 or 100 µg drug per gram wet liver tissue.