Photogrammetry of spherical shocks reflected from real and ideal surfaces

A photogrammetrical technique has been used to study the interaction of two identical explosively produced spherical shock waves and to compare this interaction with the reflexion of one of the spherical shocks from the ground. It is postulated that there was no energy loss in the interaction of the two shock waves and that the interaction therefore simulated the reflexion of a spherical shock from an ideal non-energyabsorbing surface. The ‘ideal’ reflexions were compared with real reflexions from two types of ground surface: one smooth and the other rough. Experiments were carried out with the centres of the spherical shocks at two separations so that observations could be made of the interaction of shocks of different strength. Significant differences were shown to exist in both the strengths of the Mach shocks and in the triple-point trajectories over the different surfaces. The results are intended to aid in the evaluation of computer codes being developed to simulate spherical-shock reflexions from real surfaces.

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