Some respiratory characteristics of the blood of the adult and young African pygmy goat.

O2 dissociation curves of blood from adult African pygmy goats were constructed using blood samples from four animals. The mean O2 tension necessary for 50% saturation of hemoglobin (P50) was 31.4 mm Hg at 39 C and pH 7.40. The mean O2 capacity was 13.1 vol %, Bohr effect factor 0.53, RBC [Red Blood Cue] pH (at plasma pH 7.40) 7.22, RBC count 12.6 million/mm3 and hematocrit 33%. By 2 months of age the mean P50 of kids'' blood was 4 mm Hg greater than that of adult blood, and at 5 months the values were approximately the same. O2 capacity of kids'' blood decreased to an average of 30% less than that of adults at 1-2 months, while at 3 months of age the values were similar. The magnitude of the Bohr effect factor and RBC pH after 100 days of age were similar to those of adults.

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