Bionomics of the Bee-associated Meloidae (Coleoptera); Bee and Plant Hosts of Some Nearctic Meloid Beetles—a Synopsis1

Apoid hosts of meloid immatures and plant hosts of adult Nemognathinae, including unpublished records, are summarized for Nearctic and some other species. Some new host-plant records for the Meloinae are included but meloine host-plant records were not summarized since detection of larval-host associations via host-plant records appears unlikely for most of these nonphoretic species. Some potential bee hosts are also listed for the Nemognathinae. Of the 6 apoid host families listed, the Anthophoridae and Megachilidae are most frequently cited. Nemognathine host-plant records are disproportionately distributed among 25 plant families. The Compositae are cited for most beetle species.

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