Field Tests of Thickened Sprays of Methyl Eugenol Potentially Usefulm Male-Annihilation Programs Against Oriental Fruit Flies13

Comparison of a formulation of methyl eugenol, an attractant for male Dacus dorsalis Hendel, with 5% technical naled when soaked on small (0.25-1.32 in.3) fiber wallboard blocks was made with the same formulation when thickened with Myverol® or CAB-O-SIL® and applied as liquid drops on leaves. In replicated small-plot tests (2 g methyl eugenol per treatment site), thickened liquid treatments attracted and killed more oriental fruit flies during the first 1-2 weeks than did the formulation on fiberboard blocks. Thereafter, their performance fell below that of the blocks. Also, in unreplicated large-field tests in 1966, 1967, and 1968. thickened foliar sprays of methyl eugenol + toxicant applied aerially at 5-10 Ib/mile2 to 8-mile2 plots reduced trap catches of males over 98%, indicating their potential usefulness in male-annihilation programs.

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