Imaging of hydroperoxide and hydrogen peroxide‐scavenging substances by photon emission

An imaging system for the hydroperoxide and hydrogen donor was developed by photon emission from the reactive oxygen species–hydrogen donor–KHCO3–MeCHO system. Photon intensity (luminance, cd/m2) showed a linear correlation with the concentration of some hydroperoxides [hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), tert‐butyl hydroperoxide and methyl ethyl ketone peroxide] and that of hydrogen donors (catechins and anthocyanins). The linear relationship between photon intensity and concentration was observed in polyphenol‐rich samples, such as teas, berries and currants. Photon intensity from the H2O2/polyphenol‐rich sample–KHCO3–MeCHO system corresponded with H2O2‐scavenging activity, rather than with polyphenol contents. It is possible to classify hydrogen donor species according to absorption features using spectral analysis (gallic acid, Emax 645 nm, catechins, Emax 610 nm; anthocyanins, Emax 690–700 nm). This method is a simple and sensitive detection system for hydroperoxide‐ and H2O2‐scavenging substances. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.