Mechanisms by which ultrasonic energy affects transfer rates in liquid‐liquid extraction

Concurrent and spray‐tower studies have been accomplished that illustrate the effects of ultrasonic insonation on transfer rates in liquid‐liquid extraction. Stage efficiencies and over‐all transfer rates in the system toluene‐methyl alcohol‐water were determined with and without insonation of the system at frequencies of 40 and 800 kc.Insonation was shown to have a positive effect on mass transfer in both concurrent and spray‐tower operations. Insonation of the system provides for increased interfacial area between the two phases, removal of relatively stagnant liquid layers at the interface, and increased circulation currents within a single liquid phase. Low‐frequency insonation favors local agitation and mixing of the phases, and high‐frequency insonation favors induced circulation currents.

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