The two calendrid weevils, Sitophilus granarius and S. oryzae, have the chromosome formulae 11AA+Xyp and 10AA+neo-XY. They therefore differ from related Curculionidae, bisexual spp. of which, with the exception of Anthonomus scutellatus, conform to the formula 10AA +Xyp or 10AA+XO. Contrary to earlier reports they are nevertheless meiotically orthodox. Additional spp. investigated, with their formulae, are: Platystomidae-Euparius marmoreus= 10AA+Xyp; Curculionidae-Sitona lepidus, S. cylindricollis, and Hylobius congener=10AA+Xyp and Anthonomus scutellatus= 13AA+Xyp; and Scolytidae-Hylurgops pinifex, Dendroctonus engelmanni, and Ips pini=14AA+Xyp. These findings are discussed in relation to the taxonomic disposition of the 3 families.