We apply the phenomenological scaling approach of Nightingale to the triangular Ising model with nearest-neighbor interactions in the presence of a magnetic field. In order to do so, we calculate the largest eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of semi-infinite strips with widths 3, 6, 9,..., etc. The technique is first applied to two exactly soluble cases, the ferromagnetic and the hard hexagon model. Employing maximum strip widths of 9 and 15, respectively, in these two cases, we obtain results for the thermal exponent yT within 0.3% of exact values. Applied to the antiferromagnet with maximum strip width of 9, we obtain values of the exponent which vary with the applied field. This variation is only appreciable, however, near zero field where crossover to different critical behavior is anticipated. We formulate a criterion to determine the best values of the thermal exponent and obtain yT=1.2002, in excellent agreement with the value 1.2 expected on the basis of symmetry.