Since 1847, when Bence-Jones1first described a substance occurring in the urine of a patient said to have "mollities ossium," there has been much study and thought put on this rare disease, which was first named multiple myeloma by Rustizky,2in 1873. It must be confessed that but little more is known of the cause and treatment of the disease or of the origin of the curious Bence-Jones body, which is so frequently found on urinalysis, than when it was first described. Kahler, in 1889, reported a case of eight years' duration. The disease is often called by his name. Multiple myeloma has been defined by Ewing3as a "specific malignant tumor of the bone marrow, arising probably from a single cell type. It is characterized by multiple foci of origin, a uniform and specific structure composed of plasma cells or their derivatives, rare metastases, albumosuria and

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