Time-dependent convective instabilities in a closed vertical cylinder heated from below

The convective behaviour of xenon gas in a vertical thermally conducting cylinder (height/radius = 6) heated from below was investigated. Convectively induced temperature fluctuations in the gas were analysed with digital signal-processing techniques over a range of Rayleigh number 0 ≤ Ra [lsim ] 2300. Quiescent, steady-state, periodic and weakly turbulent convective regimes were characterized. Bistability of steady states (mode switching) was observed in the range 400 [lsim ] Ra [lsim ] 700. At Ra = 1550 a strictly periodic flow developed. With increasing Ra two additional incommensurate frequencies appeared, leading to ‘turbulence’ at Ra ≈ 2000. This turbulence, characterized by a broadband power spectrum, intermittently showed periodic flow. A periodic window with a period-doubling sequence appeared between 2100 [lsim ] Ra [lsim ] 2200. The spectral features of this sequence can be followed into the broad band noise at higher Ra. Although these experiments were conducted quasistatically, a strong hysteresis was observed with decreasing Ra. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the sequence of convective regimes can be fundamentally altered by minor perturbations (self-heating) from the flow sensors.