Delayed malignancy and altered growth properties of somatic cell hybrids between rat hepatoma and mouse L‐cells

Somatic cell hybrids of mouse L‐cells with rat HTC cells were studied for their growth properties in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Three hybrid clones were selected for detailed study. All were delayed in tumor formation in nude mice compared with the parent lines despite their varied growth properties in vitro. One clone was sensitive to density dependent inhibition of growth (DDIG) and had a relatively low saturation density. A second clone was not sensitive to DDIG and had a higher saturation density. The third clone had atypical morphology, was insensitive to DDIG, and had a relatively high saturation density. All of the clones studied produced colonies suspended in agarose gel which were much smaller than those of the parents incubated for the same period of time. Only the pattern of growth in agarose gel corresponded to the delayed tumor formation in vivo of the hybrids. Sensitivity to DDIG and saturation density were not consistent with tumor growth. The hybrid clone that was sensitive to DDIG was the only one of the three that had a nearly complete set of chromosomes derived from each of the parents. The chromosome numbers of all three clones were unchanged after growth in agarose or as tumors in the nude mice.