Stratification of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) seeds at 4 C was most successful for breaking dormancy, whereas -5 C was least effective and 10 C was intermediate. Germination in the light exceeded that in the dark at all stratification and germination temperatures. The optimum temperatures for germination in the light were 10/20, 15/25, and 20/30. Maximum germination in the dark occurred at 20/30 C for seeds stratified at 4 and 10 C but the optimum temperatures for seeds stratified at -5 C were 10/20, 15/25, and 20/30. Seeds stratified at -5 and 10 C germinated best after 15 weeks of stratification, whereas 12 weeks of stratification at 4 C resulted in maximum germination. Secondary dormancy was induced in seeds which did not germinate in the dark. This was affected by stratification temperature and duration and germination temperature. The ecological significance of these germination characteristics is discussed.
Funding Information
  • Research Council, Rutgers University