Observations of Middle Atmosphere CO from theUARSISAMS during the Early Northern Winter 1991/92

Structure and kinematics of carbon monoxide in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere (10–0.03 hPa) are studied for the early northern winter 1991/92 using the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder (ISAMS) measurements. The study is aided by data from a 6-week parameterized-chemistry run of the Goddard Space Flight Center 3D Chemistry and Transport Model (CTM), initialized on 8 December 1991. Generally, CO mixing ratios increase with height due to the increasing source contribution from CO2 photolysis. In the tropical upper stratosphere, however, a local maximum in CO mixing ratio occurs. A simple photochemical model is used to show that this feature results largely from methane oxidation. In the extratropics the photochemical lifetime of CO is long, and therefore its evolution is dictated by large-scale motion of air, evidenced by strong correlation with Ertel potential vorticity. This makes CO one of the few useful observable tracers at the stra... Abstract Structure and kinematics of carbon monoxide in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere (10–0.03 hPa) are studied for the early northern winter 1991/92 using the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite Improved Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder (ISAMS) measurements. The study is aided by data from a 6-week parameterized-chemistry run of the Goddard Space Flight Center 3D Chemistry and Transport Model (CTM), initialized on 8 December 1991. Generally, CO mixing ratios increase with height due to the increasing source contribution from CO2 photolysis. In the tropical upper stratosphere, however, a local maximum in CO mixing ratio occurs. A simple photochemical model is used to show that this feature results largely from methane oxidation. In the extratropics the photochemical lifetime of CO is long, and therefore its evolution is dictated by large-scale motion of air, evidenced by strong correlation with Ertel potential vorticity. This makes CO one of the few useful observable tracers at the stra...