Detection of Salmonella by Using the Colorimetric DNA/rRNA Sandwich Hybridization in Microtiter Wells.

A rapid and readily available DNA probe kit was developed for the detection of Salmonella spp. This kit utilized the colorimetric DNA/rRNA sandwich hybridization method in microtiter wells. Within 3 hr Salmonella spp. in selective enrichment broth cultures were detected by the DNA probe kit. The kit effectively identified all of 187 strains of Salmonella tested and yielded no false-positive reactions in the examination of 674 pure cultures of non-salmonellae. The DNA probe kit could detect 10(5) cfu/ml in pure culture. A total of 379 naturally contaminated samples (raw chicken meat, liquid egg, animal feeds, poultry feces and frozen foods) were tested, both by the standard culture method and the DNA probe kit. The 169 of these samples were culture positive and 210 were culture negative. The sensitivity of the DNA probe kit was 98.2% (166/169) and the specificity was 99.5% (209/210). These results show that the DNA probe kit is a useful tool to examine a large number of various samples for contamination by Salmonella spp. in food and livestock industry.