By making a systematic analysis of correlation functions in terms of irreducible and reducible parts, Ma and others have developed a dielectric formulation of the dynamics of a condensed Bose system which fully includes the background (or excited) atoms. We show that this formulation quite generally leads to the density and single-particle-correlation functions both having two resonances ω̃1 and ω̃2 although with different weights. If the condensate n0=0, the ω2 mode only appears in the single-particle spectrum while ω1 only appears in the density-fluctuation spectrum. For finite values of n0, these modes are coupled and renormalized to ω̃1 and ω̃2. As a specific illustration, we use the shielded-potential approximation (SPA) for the reducible self-energies. In this model, we find the free-particle excitations (ω2) are coupled to the zero-sound density fluctuations (ω1) through the action of the condensate. In the SPA, the reducible self-energies have a pole at ω1. The usual Bogoliubov, Hartree-Fock, and ordinary t-matrix approximations involve nonsingular self-energies and hence do not exhibit the ω̃1 mode. Experimentally, it appears that the high-frequency ω̃2 mode has never been detected, but this is probably owing to the fact that it is strongly damped as a result of its coupling to the zero-sound mode. Using the two-fluid hydrodynamic equations, one can argue that at low frequencies the ω̃1 excitation corresponds to first sound and the ω̃2 excitation corresponds to second sound. Finally, we briefly discuss the possibility of singularities in the irreducible self-energies at high frequencies and the resulting two-roton bound states.