Effects of acute and long-term bronchodilator treatment on regional lung function in asthma assessed with krypton-81m and technetium-99m-labelled macroaggregates.

We have investigated the effect of acute and long-term bronchodilator treatment on the distribution of ventilation and perfusion in 15 asthmatics using a gamma camera, krypton-81m (for ventilation) and technetium-99m macroaggregate (for perfusion). Individual peak expiratory flow (PEF) values before bronchodilation were slightly or moderately below the predicted values. The simultaneous ventilation images (analysed visually) showed areas of delayed ventilation in all patients (mean distribution score on 3-point scale 2.1). After isoprenaline inhalation (240 micrograms) the mean PEF increased by 24%, but the distribution of ventilation remained virtually unchanged in all patients (mean score 2.0). Simultaneously defects in perfusion could be seen in all patients (mean score 1.5). After intensive treatment, when the mean PEF increased by a further 29%, the distribution scores of ventilation and perfusion fell to 0.8 and 0.9, respectively. The results indicate that, without intensive and long-term treatment, appreciable inequality of ventilation and perfusion are usual consequences of asthma; and suggest that although larger airways are dilated by isoprenaline inhalations residual bronchial obstruction may still remain in some smaller airways, maintaining uneven distribution. Perfusion disturbances seem to be secondary to changes in regional ventilation.