Topical desensitization of the tongue was assessed during multiple bouts of exposure to capsaicin. In the first experiment subjects rated perceived irritation as 30 capsaicin stimuli (33 μM) were applied to the tongue tip in three blocks of 10, with 15 min breaks between blocks. Significant desensitization was measured at the beginning of the second and third blocks within each session. However, as stimulation continued within those blocks sensations of irritation grew toward undesensitized levels (‘stimulus-induced recovery’ (SIR)). Desensitization did not extend across days. The second experiment employed a 10-fold higher concentration of capsaicin (330 μM) to determine if SIR was limited to low levels of desensitization. SIR occurred as before within sessions, and the higher concentration produced desensitization across days that also exhibited recovery during the first block of stimuli on days 2 and 3. The third experiment included piperine, zingerone and citric acid as stimuli to determine if SIR was specific to capsaicin. Piperine produced SIR under conditions of both self- and cross-desensitization with capsaicin, whereas recovery failed to materialize with zingerone. Citric acid was not significantly cross-desensitized by capsaicin, so recovery could not be measured. Overall the results demonstrate that desensitization of the tongue produced by either capsaicin or piperine can be temporarily reversed if stimulation with either chemical is resumed for only a few minutes. The implications these findings may have for hypotheses about the mechanisms of capsaicin desensitization and sensitization as well as for clinical applications of capsaicin as a topical analgesic are discussed.