A 3-yr prospective study was conducted to evaluate right atrial silicone elastomer catheters for long-term venous access in adults with acute leukemia. Objectives included establishing the safety of catheter insertion in thrombocytopenic patients and the feasibility of maintainng the catheter during septicemia. Catheters (71) were placed in 57 consecutive patients entering intensive leukemia therapy. Excessive bleeding occurred at 3 catheter insertion sites. Eight catheter-related infections occurred. In 34 of 36 non-catheter-related and 2 catheter-related bacteremias, catheters were left in place with intensive monitoring. In 20, bacteremia cleared. Fourteen patients died; in 8 autopsies, no evidence of catheter-related mortality was found. Catheters were in use 6799 days, including 3932 home use and 2570 granulocytopenic days. Thrombocytopenia does not preclude catheter insertion. Catheters can be safely maintained in septicemic granulocytopenic patients.