Glowing Podocytes in Living Mouse: Transgenic Mouse Carrying a Podocyte-Specific Promoter

Green fluorescence protein (GFP) has been utilized as a marker of gene expression due to the great advantage in its simple and quick detectability. We generated transgenic mice carrying a GFP cDNA under the control of a β-actin/β-globin promoter (CX promoter) and cytomegalovirus enhancer. The green luminescence derived from GFP was apparent in skeletal muscle, pancreas, heart and kidney, but not in other tissues. The GFP expression in the kidney was localized in podocytes. Moreover, in situ hybridization of GFP showed that the transcriptional level was highly active in the podocytes. These results suggested that the glowing green fluorescence would be a useful in vivo marker of podocyte in these transgenic lines in the physiological and pathophysiological state, and that the CX promoter could allow a podocyte-specific expression of a molecule of interest in kidney.