Driven transport of fluid vesicles through narrow pores

The driven transport of fluid vesicles through narrow, cylindrical pores in a linear external potential is studied using Monte Carlo simulations, scaling arguments, and mean-field theory. The mobility of the vesicles increases sharply when the strength f of the driving field exceeds a threshold value f*. For f>f*, the mobility saturates at a value that is essentially independent of the strength of the driving field. The threshold field strength f* is found to scale with the membrane bending rigidity κ, the vesicle area A0, and the pore size rp as f*/kBT∼ (κ/kBT)1+β A03/2+η rp2η. An analysis of the zero-temperature limit yields the exponents β=0 and η=1.55, while the Monte Carlo simulations of low-bending-rigidity vesicles are well described by the (effective) exponents β≃0.2 and η≃2.4.