Effects of Prostaglandin E1on the Recovery of Ischemia-Induced Liver Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Rats with Cirrhosis

Interruption of hepatic blood supply for 60 min deteriorated liver mitochondrial respiratory functional indices--that is, respiratory control index (RCI) and the rate of oxygen consumption in state-III respiration (ST III O2). Recovery of ischemia-induced decreases in these functional indices in a saline-administered cirrhotic liver group was retarded compared with that in a normal liver group, and significantly low RCI and ST III O2 persisted 15 min after reperfusion. Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) did not improve ischemia-induced decreases in RCI and ST III O2 but accelerated the recovery of mitochondrial respiratory function after reperfusion. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels were markedly decreased during ischemia, and retardation of ATP recovery was also observed in rats with cirrhosis. PGE1 improved the recovery of ATP level in rats with cirrhosis. Liver blood flow in the cirrhotic liver was significantly lower than that of the normal liver. PGE1 enhanced liver blood flow. These results indicate that retardation of the recovery of RCI and ST III O2 in the cirrhotic liver might be based on the decrease in tissue blood flow and that agents increasing tissue blood flow might contribute to the acceleration of the recovery of mitochondrial respiratory function.