Pathologic Dynamics of Human Hair Loss

This study concerns the behavior of the human follicle under stresses which cause temporary loss of hair. Many different agencies cause hair shedding.1For some years now, I have been watching what happens to the follicle in a variety of natural and experimental alopecic conditions. Out of these observations has grown a biological generalization, the presentation of which is the main business of this essay. To grasp the meaning of this generalization, requires a thorough understanding of the hair cycle, and, in particular, catagen, that brief epoch during which a growing follicle (anagen) becomes transformed into a resting one (telogen). The prelude to the present theme is to be found in a previous paper dealing with the dynamics of human catagen.2Further important readings are Montagna's3analyses of hair cycle mechanics, and a recent study of catagen by Ellis and Moretti.4The dynamics of change in

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