Expansion Coefficients and Transformation Characteristics of Solid Oxygen

As determined by x rays on polycrystalline samples, the rhombohedral β-oxygen phase (stable from 23.8 to 43.7°K) has a linear expansion coefficient Δll=1150×106 per °K in the a direction and a very small, but definitely negative expansion coefficient in the c direction. The expansion coefficient of γ-oxygen (stable from 43.7 to 54.3°K) is also quite high, Δll=780×106 per °K. Diffraction patterns of the α, β, and γ phases, photographed during temperature cycling, showed that a grain of α forms from a grain of β with the (001) plane of α forming the (00.1) plane (hexagonal indices) of β without changing its orientation, and vice versa, martensitically. However, β forms from γ with a breakup into near-randomly oriented smaller and/or highly distorted β grains.