Photoelectron branching ratios and angular distributions for the valence levels of SF6in the range16hν30eV

Photoelectron branching ratios and angular distributions have been measured for the six outermost levels of SF6 in the range 16hν30 eV with the use of synchrotron radiation. These results are discussed in the framework of the large variety of experimental and theoretical studies of SF6 with the dual objective of resolving the long-standing problem of the ordering of the valence shells and of gaining some insight into the role of shape-resonant behavior in the low-energy photoionization continua of SF6. These objectives are met with partial success in that we tentatively conclude the valence configuration 5a1g24t1u61t2g63eg4(1t2u6+5t1u6)1t1g6A1g1 is most consistent with the available body of evidence and that it is plausible to invoke channel interaction near the strong resonant feature at hν2324 eV to help account for some of the apparently contradictory evidence. Further experimental and theoretical work is suggested to clarify these issues.