The relationships of Nizymenia and Stenocladia (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)

Nizymenia and probably Stenocladia bear cruciately divided, sessile, tetrasporangia on uniseriate filaments developed in tufts from the outer cortex. Spermatangial tufts in Stenocladia occur in a similar manner. These features, and the thallus form, distinguish Nizymenia and Stenocladia from Phacelocarpus and they are placed in a new family, Nizymeniaceae. Distinguishing features of the family are the uniaxial thallus construction with filamentous medulla and pseudoparenchymatous cortex; procarpic and polycarpogonial female reproduction; carposporophyte of gonimoblast filaments radiating outward from a fusion cell and bearing terminal chains of carposporangia; and, as far as known, both spermatangia and tetrasporangia borne on uniseriate filaments developed in tufts from outer cortical cells, the tetrasporangia being cruciately divided.

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