IgD monoclonal gammopathy with long‐term follow‐up

Summary. The presence of a serum IgD monoclonal protein (M‐protein) is usually indicative of a malignant plasma cell disorder. However, one case of well‐documented benign monoclonal gammopathy (BMG) of IgD type has been reported. We describe another patient with IgD monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) with long‐term follow‐up. In this patients an IgD λ M‐protein was found on routine serum electrophoresis. She is alive and has no evidence of multiple myeloma or amyloidosis after 8 years of follow‐up. Although IgD MGUS is exceedingly rare, this case demonstrates that the presence of a serum IgD M‐protein is not necessarily synonymous with a malignant plasma cell process.