The significance of the abnormal rest Thallium-201 myocardial image in coronary artery disease

Rest Thallium-201 myocardial images were abnormal in 20 out of 40 patients with arteriographically proven coronary artery disease. The myocardial image appearances did not accurately reflect the extent of coronary artery disease present. However, in 35 of the 40 patients (88%) the presence or absence of abnormalities on the rest myocardial image correleted respectively with the presence or absence of abnormal wall motion at left ventriculography. Most rest image abnormalities could be attributed to previous myocardial infarction, but in six patients myocardial ischaemia was possibly the cause. These results suggest that though myocardial fibrosis is usually the cause of rest myocardial image abnormalities in coronary artery disease, this is not invariably so. The possible therapeutic implications are discussed.