Predicting Sexual Experience in Adolescent Boys From Peer Rejection and Acceptance During Childhood

This longitudinal study of 77 boys focuses on the relation between peer relationships in 6th grade and number of sexual partners in 10th grade. Separate models were built for peer rejection and peer acceptance. In 10th grade, 56 boys were virgins and 21 were sexually experienced, the majority with multiple partners. As predicted, peer rejection in sixth grade was associated with number of sexual partners 4 years later via self-restraint and misconduct. Specifically, peers low in self-restraint were rejected by classmates. As adolescents, low-restraint boys were more involved in misconduct, which in turn was associated with number of sexual partners. Peer acceptance was also associated with number of sexual partners, although via a different path. Boys popular in elementary school were more likely to date extensively during adolescence and to drink alcohol at parties and other gatherings. Dating and alcohol afforded greater opportunities for sexual intercourse with multiple partners.