Evaluation of Residual Disease in B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients in Clinical and Bone-Marrow Remission Using CD5-CD19 Markers and PCR Study of Gene Rearrangements

We evaluated minimal residual disease (MRD) in 23 CD5 + B-chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients who achieved clinico-hematological remission confirmed by bone-marrow biopsy. MRD was evaluated by dual marker analysis flow-cytometry using CD5 and CD19 markers, and by the study of Ig heavy chain gene rearrangements using the fast polymerase chain reaction (PCR). According to our laboratory conditions patients were considered to be in complete phenotypic remission when total CD19 + cells were >25% and the ratio of CD5 + CD19 + /CD19 + cells was >25%. According to these strict criteria only 9 of the 23 patients were in complete phenotypic remission. In order to evaluate the sensitivity of the above method, PCR analysis of the configuration of the Ig heavy chain gene region was performed in 12 of these patients. Five of 7 patients in complete phenotypic remission retained a detectable monoclonal rearrangement of the Ig heavy chain gene. For the remaining 5 patients in partial phenotypic remission, only one failed to show a monoclonal band and this is probably explained by the presence of an unusual gene rearrangement. In conclusion, this study suggests that PCR is more sensitive than dual marker flow-cytometry for evaluation of residual disease and that it is indeed possible to achieve complete remission at the molecular level, in B-CLL. Nevertheless, we suggest a word of caution as this was a retrospective study, and samples were not assessed before treatment. Thus the possibility that apparent molecular remission might correspond to unusual gene rearrangements cannot be completely excluded in these cases.