Gas-Solid Chromatography with an Organic Phase: A Study of the Properties of Thermal Graphitized Carbon Black Modified with Anthraquinone

When an organic solid substance such as anthraquinone is deposited on an homogeneous graphitized carbon black such as Sterling M. T., a new solid support is obtained. This adsorbent is of type III of Kiselev's classification; it adsorbs, nonspecifically, hydrocarbons and molecules with π electrons or unshared election pairs, such as ketones, esters, ethers, alkyl chlorides, and aromatic hydrocarbons. The kinetic-mass-transfer term is very small for these compounds, less than 10−4 sec. The adsorption enthalpy of these compounds is lower than on pure graphitized carbon black; this permits them to be eluted at much lower temperatures. The adsorbent keeps some properties of the carbon black which are different from those of anthraquinone alone, i.e., meta and para xylenes are well resolved, whereas ortho and para xylene are not.