Neoantigens of the membrane attack complex of human complement.

The membrane attack complex of complement is a fusion product of five complement proteins: C5b, C6, C7, C8, and C9. The complex causes complement-dependent cell membrane damage. It is assembled following complement activation both on the target cell surface and in the fluid phase. The isolated soluble complex, which has a molecular weight of one million, exhibited reduced expression of the antigenic determinants of the native precursor proteins. Antisera produced to the intact complex contained antibodies to neoantigens which were not detectable on the five precursor proteins. Antisera were rendered neoantigen-specific by adsorption with fresh human serum. Since the adsorbed antisera precipitated the complex, the complex must contain multiple neoantigenic sites. The complex-specific antibodies not only reacted with the soluble complex, but also with the target cell-bound membrane attack complex.