Binding of anti‐EMA, AGF 4:48 and the lectin UEA‐1 to human ovarian carcinomas: histological and clinical correlations

The staining reactions of the monoclonal antibodies anti-EMA, AGF 4:48 and the lectin UEA-1 from Ulex europaeus were investigated in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of 36 primary ovarian carcinomas. The staining patterns were graded and related to tumour type, differentiation, FIGO stage and patient survival. Both antibodies and UEA-1 showed variations in their staining between and within tumours. The staining of mucinous tumours using anti-EMA was significantly less than in non-mucinous tumours. No other significant associations were found between staining grade and the different variables under study. The variations in staining were not demonstrated to have any prognostic significance.