Sacro-iliac Joint in Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthropathy

The radiological appearances of the sacro-iliac joints from 56 patients with D.A.T.-positive rheumatoid arthritis, forty with D.A.T.-negative rheumatoid arthritis, and 33 with psoriasis and chronic arthritis were compared with those of a control series comprising a similar number of hospital patients matched for age and sex, and also with those of 36 patients with ankylosing spondy- litis. The films were read in random order. Repeatability of reading was satisfactory. Narrowing of the sacro-iliac joints, without erosions or sclerosis, was found in older patients with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis. The appearances did not resemble those seen in early or late ankylosing spondylitis.