Hospital Costs for Stroke Care in Singapore

We performed this prospective study to determine the cost of care for acute stroke patients admitted to hospital. Stroke was subtyped into subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH), nonlacunar infarct (NLC), lacunar infarct (LAC) and transient ischemic attack (TIA). Cost of care was computed for the various services the patient received. At the time of the study, US$ 1 = S$1.50. 426 patients were studied. Mean length of stay (LOS) was 17 days. Mean cost/discharge was S$7,547. Ward charges accounted for 38.2%, radiology 14.5%, doctors’ fees 10.3%, drugs 8.4%, therapy 7.3%. Cost was highly correlated with LOS, r2 = 0.73. Mean cost/discharge was SAH S$28,539, IPH S$14,398, NLC S$7,476, LAC S$3,517, TIA S$1,962. Initial hospitalization cost for stroke is highly correlated with LOS. The bulk of cost is attributable to ward stay. Cost/discharge is highest with SAH, and in descending order IPH, NLC, LAC, TIA.