Theory of Galvano-Thermomagnetic Energy Conversion Devices. I. Generators

Using phenomenological equations in partially inverted form, the operation of galvano-thermomagnetic generators has been analyzed for six different modes of operation. The efficiency, figure of merit, and geometry optimization have been investigated. The two-dimensional temperature distribution prevailing in a device arm is also briefly analyzed. For the “longitudinal” case where heat flow and current are colinear in a transverse field, Hz , the mathematical relations conform to the standard theory, except that the transport coefficients depend on Hz . In the “transverse” case where heat flow, current, and magnetic field are mutually perpendicular, new expressions are obtained for the figure of merit and device efficiency. Furthermore, in the latter case the optimal operating conditions are those in which both device arms are made of the same material. The results are discussed in the light of some existing experimental data.