Vortex-induced boundary-layer separation. Part 2. Unsteady interacting boundary-layer theory

The unsteady boundary layer induced by the motion of a rectilinear vortex above an infinite plane wall is calculated using interacting boundary-layer methods. The boundary-layer solution is computed in Lagrangian variables since it is possible to compute the flow evolution accurately in this formulation even when an eruption starts to evolve. Results are obtained over a range of Reynolds numbers, Re. For the limit problem Re → ∞ (studied in Part 1), a singularity develops in the non-interacting boundary-layer solution at finite time. The present results show that the interacting boundary-layer calculations also terminate in a singularity at a time which is earlier than in the limit problem and which decreases with decreasing Reynolds number. The computed results are compared with the length– and timescales predicted by recent asymptotic theories and are found to be in excellent agreement.