Pesticide Residues in Water From River Kaveri, South India

The residue levels of presistent chlorinated pesticides such as HCH (hexachlorocyclo-hexane) isomers and DDT (dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane) compounds were quantified in water samples collected from the River Kaveri and its distributor River Coleroon in Tamil Nadu, South India. HCH showed higher levels in River Kaveri during premonsoon (July to September) and monsoon (October to December) months, reflecting the HCH usage during that season for paddy crops. But in the case of DDT no clear trend in residue level was observed. the α-HCH was detected as the dominant isomer in all the three sampling sites. Among DDT compounds, p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE showed higher percentage of the total. International comparison of residue levels revealed that the present values are comparable to the waters from Asian and South East Asian nations, but lower than some samples from other parts of India. the value of DDT is well below the EEC's maximum acceptable concentration for surface waters and lower than the recommended limit of 2000ng 1-1 in USA water for protection of aquatic life (Water Quality Criteria, 1972).

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