The research described in the following monograph is the result of seven years' work. In 1926 I attempted to introduce psychological methods of treatment into the out-patient department of the First Medical Clinic of the Charité, Berlin. It soon became evident that there was a widespread demand for the application of such methods within the field of the medical clinic. In the course of years, hundreds of patients with psychoneuroses linked to organs passed through our hands. A selection of specially instructive cases is given below. Our researches were performed on patients and collaborators who readily placed themselves at our disposal for our experiments. In grateful remembrance I wish to thank my esteemed former chief, the late Geh. Med.-Rat Prof. Dr. W. His, for the interest he took in my line of work and for the support he extended to it. My work in Germany came to a sudden end in March, 1933, but thanks to the kindness of Dr. F. L. Golla I was able to continue my studies at the Central Pathological Laboratory, London. Furthermore, I owe special thanks to the Professional Committee which, by the grant of a scholarship, enabled me to continue and complete this work.

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