Compressibilities of TbVO4 and DyVO4 Calculated from Spectroscopic Data

The compressibilities of TbVO4 and DyVO4 were estimated indirectly from the pressure dependence of the Raman stretching frequencies of the vanadium-oxygen (V-O) bonds, v1( Ag), through an empirical correlation between v1( Ag) and the corresponding bond lengths. Volume compressibilities of 6.71 × 10−3 GPa−1 (bulk modulus 149 GPa) and 6.23 × 10−3 GPa−1 (bulk modulus 160 GPa) were derived for TbVO4 and DyVO4, respectively. This approach provides a straightforward method to estimate the compressibility and equation of state (EOS) of crystals via Raman spectroscopic measurements.