Endocrine Tumors of the Duodenum

Patients (19) with primary duodenal carcinoid were analyzed retrospectively and 8 of the tumors were immunocytochemically examined. One tumor contained somatostatin, 2 tumors gastrin, 2 tumors both these peptides and 1 tumor serotonin. In 2 tumors no peptide or amine could be demonstrated. Eight patients had ulcer symptoms, and 9 had gallstone disease. Only 4 patients had metastatic spread in spite of long delay. Five-year survival was 75% in 12 operated patients. No patient died of the tumor per se. A simple excision seems justified when the tumor is smaller than 2 cm, while probably more extensive surgery is needed when the tumor is larger or when there is local spread. Modern techniques of histofluorescence and immunocytochemistry facilitating a more precise classification will probably result in a better understanding as to symptomatology and prognosis and will make possible better treatment in the heterogenous group of carcinoid tumors.