Pollution by pathogenic bacteria was examined in 150 French metalworking fluid samples. Gram-negative micro-organisms such asSalmonella spp.,Shigella spp., andVibrio spp. as well as Gram-positive cocci were never isolated. Nevertheless opportunistic pathogens such asPseudomonas aeruginosa andKlebsiella pneumoniae still contaminated these fluids with an isolation frequency of 17% of samples for each. These two micro-organisms failed to grow or even survive in vitro in sterile cutting fluids protected by biocides. Preliminary growth of other micro-organisms such asPseudomonas putida orPseudomonas fluorescens, which are the major part of the indigenous microflora, seemed to be a prerequisite for their growth. These former twoPseudomonas could resist three different classes of biocides and, at least in the case of formaldehyde-releasers, adaptation was followed by biocide deterioration. Resistance magnification was observed in the presence of the three different types of biocides and, in the case of formaldehyde releasers the resistance and deterioration levels were close to those recommended by the manufacturers. This is probably the reason why the preliminary growthof Pseudomonas putida allowed in vitro differed growth ofKlebsiella pneumoniae andPseudomonas aeruginosa. Due to relatively high isolation frequencies of opportunistic pathogens (17% of samples) periodical microbiological examination of cutting fluids should be carried out in order to evaluate risks for human health. Wearing masks and gloves is still recom-mended, at least in France.