Organ culture of ixodid-tick salivary glands

This work describes an organ-culture method for isolated salivary glands of the ixodid tickAmblyomma hebraeum Koch. The support medium is a TC 199-1% agarose gel with no hormonal or undefined supplements. I used a fluid-transport assay for measuring viability of salivary glands. When cultured at 26°C, female glands secreted fluid at 65% on day 2,59% on day 4 and 42% on day 6 post-culture compared to glands tested on day 0. Fluid secretory rates in culture were higher than rates of glands from partially fed ticks (about 180–250 mg) on days 2, 4 or 6 post-removal from the host. Salivary glands from fed males cultured for 4 days lost only 5% of their fluid secretory competence, whereas glands dissected from males 4 days post-removal lost 63% of their fluid secretory competence.